Six Best Resources to Learn Coding Online The days of gatekeeping coding and programming languages are over. Learning popular programming languages is more accessible than ever, thanks to an abundance of free online courses or those that are low-cost.

Many of these coding courses offer certifications and certificates of achievement that you can publish on your online profiles and portfolio and your résumé to show off to employers. Let's dive in.

Six coding languages to add to your repertoire

Depending on what you want to accomplish, whether it be building a website, automating tasks, or learning to secure your at-home network, there are many programming languages with seemingly endless information.



  • Web development (Django, Flask)
  • Data analysis and visualization (Pandas, Matplotlib)
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence (TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Scientific computing (NumPy, SciPy)
  • Automation and scripting
  • Game development (Pygame) Free Coding Course:

In a free Python coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • Basics of programming: variables, data types, loops, and conditional statements.
  • Functions and modules: how to define and use functions and organize code into modules.
  • Data structures: lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets.
  • Introduction to libraries like NumPy for numerical computing and Pandas for data manipulation.
  • Basic introduction to working with databases using SQLite.

Java & JavaScript

Java Applications:

  • Enterprise-level applications (Java EE)
  • Android app development
  • Web applications (Spring framework)
  • Scientific and financial applications
  • Embedded systems
  • Game development (using libraries like LibGDX)

JavaScript Applications:

  • Web development (frontend and back-end using Node.js)
  • Building interactive web interfaces
  • Game development (using frameworks like Phaser)
  • Cross-platform desktop app development (using Electron)

Free Coding Course: In a free Java coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • Basic syntax and programming concepts: variables, loops, conditionals, etc.
  • Object-oriented programming (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism)
  • Exception handling and file I/O.
  • Introduction to Java libraries and frameworks.
  • Simple graphical user interface (GUI) programming.

In a free JavaScript coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • JavaScript basics: variables, data types, operators, loops, conditionals.
  • DOM manipulation: interacting with HTML and CSS to create dynamic web content.
  • Event handling: responding to user interactions on web pages.
  • Asynchronous programming: callbacks, promises, and async/await.
  • Basic understanding of APIs and JSON.



  • Web page structure and content (HTML)
  • Styling and layout of web pages (CSS)

Free Coding Course: In a free HTML & CSS coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • HTML basics & structure: creating different types of elements (headings, paragraphs, links, lists, forms, etc.), understanding tags, attributes, and nesting.
  • CSS basics: styling elements with colours, fonts, margins, padding, and more.
  • Box model: understanding how CSS layouts work using margins, padding, borders, and content boxes.
  • CSS layout techniques: positioning, floating, flexbox, and grid.
  • Responsive design: making web pages look good on various screen sizes.



  • Database management
  • Data retrieval and manipulation
  • Data analysis
  • Reporting and business intelligence

Free Coding Course: In a free SQL coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • SQL fundamentals: querying databases using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc.
  • Joining tables to combine data from multiple sources.
  • Database design concepts like normalization and relationships.
  • Practical exercises involving creating and querying databases.
  • Basic understanding of database management systems (DBMS) and their types.



  • Server-side web application development
  • Building APIs
  • Real-time applications (chat applications, online gaming)
  • Command-line tools and scripts

Free Coding Course: In a free Python coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • Introduction to Node.js and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture.
  • Setting up a basic Node.js server.
  • Routing and middleware concepts.
  • Introduction to asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises.
  • Working with npm (Node Package Manager) to manage third-party packages.



  • System software development
  • Game development (using engines like Unreal Engine)
  • Performance-critical applications
  • Embedded systems and firmware development
  • High-performance scientific simulations

Free Coding Course: In a free C++ coding course, some of the things users can expect to learn:

  • Basics of C++ syntax: variables, data types, operators, loops, and conditionals.
  • Functions and function overloading.
  • Pointers and memory management.
  • Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Standard Template Library (STL) for common data structures and algorithms.
  • Introduction to debugging and error handling.
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Where to learn coding online for free

Free Lighthouse Labs courses

Lighthouse Labs offers six free courses in cyber security, web development, and data. Depending on what you want to learn, these self-paced courses will teach you the basics of JavaScript, Python, iOS, HTML & CSS, or cyber security. They're an excellent introduction to the tech world and can be a good starting point for those interested in tech but still need to decide whether to commit to a career change. Built by experts in their fields, each course is divided into sections that build on each other and little projects to test your knowledge along the way.

1. Lighthouse Labs' Data and Coding Challenges

Although the official Data and Coding Challenges have ended and prizes are no longer available, the program is still online for you to practise at your own pace. You can even come up with your own little prizes to motivate yourself!

Since JavaScript is one of the top skills required in web development, we built our most recent coding challenge around it. You'll be heading to space, and each challenge will bring you from takeoff to reentry. In just 15-30 minutes a day, you can build your JavaScript skills and start a daily habit of coding practice. It's fun, free, and made so anyone at any coding level can try it!

The Data Challenge uses Python, SQL, and Pandas to weave you through various challenges as you bring the character Dot with you around the world. With just 30 minutes a day, you can sharpen the data skills you already have or use the free resources provided in the challenge to help you if you're a beginner.

2. freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp offers over 9,000 tutorials for beginner to advanced coders. The major advantage of freeCodeCamp is that you can earn certifications as you work through the lessons. You can add these achievements on your LinkedIn or résumé to make yourself more employable.

Some of the skills you can pick up are responsive web design, data visualization, back-end development, information security, and machine learning with Python, among others. More than 40,000 people have gotten developer jobs using this free resource.

3. DataCamp

DataCamp has both paid and free resources available for those who want to start building data and AI-related skills. Users can access the first "chapter" of every course with the free version. This is an excellent way to test if data science or analytics skills are something you need or want to have. From there, if you wish to have access to the entire library, including certifications, it's just $25/month.

From beginner to expert levels, courses include data analysis, importing, cleaning, manipulating, and presenting data, machine learning, data engineering, as well as the programming languages and databases used for each skill.

4. Udemy

You can learn just about anything on Udemy, including technical knowledge. While Udemy is primarily a paid platform (although its programs are known to be cost-effective and often have sales), they have many free courses, such as JavaScript for Beginners, Intro to Python, and Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying. You can also pick up soft skills like communication, time management, and improving your English grammar for native and ESL speakers alike.

5. Coursera

Coursera is unique in that it allows you to enroll in free online coding classes from established post-secondary institutions around the world. You can start by clicking on the "Free courses" tab before specifying what you want to learn and at what level. You'll learn from professors and experts in their field while reliving the nostalgia of your college days (if that's something you're into).

6. Codecademy

Like other resources on this list, Codecademy has both free and paid options. You can get started with the free version that gives you access to the introductory courses in their top subjects like HTML and JavaScript. You can also access educational docs, "cheat sheets," and community support.

The paid versions ($17.99/month for Plus and $29.99/month for Pro) give you full access to all course materials, let you work on real-world projects, and participate in coding challenges. The Pro version comes with professional certifications you can put on your online profiles and résumé, interview prep, and curated career path samples based on your career goals. You can also give the Plus and Pro subscriptions a free test run before committing.

Other ways to learn

Learning to code online should be done your way. To supplement your education, many online communities, such as Reddit, have multiple channels dedicated to learning coding, programming languages, and debugging. GitHub is a great online resource as it's made up of developers working on open-source projects and helping each other out.

You can also find a plethora of video coding tutorials on YouTube. Codewars has a series of challenges to put your skills to the test, mimicking classic gameplay rewards to keep you motivated. Finally, edX offers online learning, allowing you to tune into educational institutions' online classes.

Those who are ready to launch their career in coding have multiple options. If you're ready to take your career to the next level, Lighthouse Labs offers online bootcamps that go deeper into the material found in our free courses. Throughout the program, you'll have access to a dedicated team, including Career Services, who achieved an 85% hiring rate for job-seeking graduates.