Ekaterina’s web development story

Discover how 2023 Lighthouse Labs graduate Ekaterina transitioned from customer service and teaching piano to becoming a Junior Full Stack Developer through Lighthouse Labs' Web Development Flex Program. Ekaterina shares her motivations for entering the tech world, the impact of the Program on her career and life, and the exciting challenges and opportunities she now faces in her new remote job. As she delves into her experience with the Web Development Flex Program, Ekaterina reflects on the challenges and rewards of the journey, acknowledging the rigorous learning path that ultimately proved to be immensely fulfilling. Central to her positive experience were the exceptional instructors who provided guidance and support along the way, as well as the comprehensive Career Services that paved the way for her professional growth.

What were you up to before Lighthouse Labs?

I possess a diverse background with valuable experiences. Before completing Lighthouse Labs’ Web Development Flex Program and transitioning into tech, I dedicated five years to teaching piano concurrently with my role as a customer service representative at the Bank of Montreal. Additionally, I hold a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Since 2019, I have contributed to the Professional Engineers of Ontario as a volunteer, primarily focusing on electronic media initiatives.

What led you to want to take a tech Program, and why did you choose Lighthouse Labs?

In my role as the Electronic Media Chair at WTPEO, I maintain their website, built with HTML and CSS. I find great satisfaction in seeing how the changes I implement immediately benefit numerous users. This experience ignited a passion within me and spurred a desire to delve deeper into JavaScript and popular frameworks such as React.

As I explored different bootcamps, I was particularly drawn to Lighthouse Labs for several reasons. Their extensive support network, available nearly 24/7, appealed to me as it allowed me to work late while still receiving assistance when encountering coding challenges. Additionally, Lighthouse Labs stands out for its commitment to assisting graduates in their job search and its strong connections within the tech industry.

Tell us about your experience with the Web Development Flex Program.

I really appreciate the opportunity to complete the Web Development Bootcamp successfully. The learning path was not easy, but it was ultimately very rewarding. The instructors were amazing, and the Career Services support was awesome. I would highly recommend Lighthouse Labs to my friends and family.

Woman holding a laptop and smiling.

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How did the Web Development Flex Program impact your career?

The impact was huge! It not only changed my career but my life as well. I was able to secure a remote job as a Junior Full Stack Developer right after graduation. My dreams came true.

Talk to us about your new job! Explain a little of what you do now.

A couple of examples of what I have done as a Junior Full Stack Developer are:

  • I delved into the React Native framework to build a mobile application. It was a new tech stack for me as we did not cover it during the bootcamp. However, my knowledge of React greatly aided in my understanding of how React Native works.

  • I was then asked by my team to take the lead in building a web application using Framer, which was also a new tool for me at the time.

By working hard every day, I have gained a ton of experience with these new technologies. Now, I am no longer afraid to try something new, as I am more confident in my ability to find the right information and communicate with other developers.

What do you appreciate most about your new career or what are you most hopeful for moving forward?

I truly appreciate the new career opportunity that allows me to challenge and grow my skillset every day, even when I encounter obstacles. It is incredibly rewarding to see the immediate results of my work and to know that hundreds of users benefit from these features. Although my contract was initially for three months, I am hopeful about moving forward with new opportunities where I can showcase and apply my skills and knowledge.

What’s next? Tell us about you and your future career goals.

My next career goal is to leverage my hands-on experience into securing a full-time position as a Front End Developer, Full Stack Developer, or even a React Native Mobile App Developer. Ideally, I envision myself working remotely alongside a team of talented individuals on engaging projects.

What advice would you give someone who wants to transition into a tech career?

Give it a try, and don’t wait! Otherwise, you may regret missing out on this incredible career transformation opportunity in the future. I regret that I did not start it earlier.

Sign up for the Web Development Flex today

Ready to find a career in Web Development like Ekaterina?

At Lighthouse Labs, we're here to help you gain the skills for your next role. Our Web Development Program is the quickest way to launch a career in web development. We offer an online 12-week, full-time, or 30-week, part-time Bootcamp option. The Program includes on-demand mentorship and Career Services you can benefit from for LIFE. At the end of the Program, you'll have the tools and skills needed to level up your resume and find a career in web development.

Read other recent graduates' stories

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Discover how Nathan went from production manager to cyber security specialist.

This and other success stories were supported by the ICT Boost initiative, funded by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP).