Meeting You Where You’re At with Web Flex Par :Nour Abi-Nakhoul March 16, 2021 Updated March 17, 2021 Estimated reading time: 2 minutes. At Lighthouse Labs, one of our main missions is to make digital skills training more accessible to more people. As our world becomes more and more digital, having expertise in things like web development and data science is going to become increasingly necessary. We’ll need more talented developers and data analysts in our world. To connect people with the valuable career opportunities that come with digital skills, we’ve been training our students using our accelerated, industry-leading bootcamps. Our students don’t need to put aside several years of their lives to access a quality tech education. They can access accelerated and effective training that gets them where they want to go in their careers. Lighthouse Labs wants to do more to address the needs of our communities and meet our students where they’re at. To accommodate the unique, personal priorities and lifestyles of our students, we’re introducing the Web Flex Development Program. This is the same high-quality full-stack developer curriculum as our Web Bootcamp, but over a more flexible schedule. Students will learn over a period of 30 weeks, and are advised to set aside 25 hours a week to effectively learn. The introduction of this program is designed to give our students more freedom to choose. You can decide whether you’d like a more concentrated program over a shorter period of time with our Web Bootcamp, or a less concentrated program over a longer period of time with the Web Flex Development Program. Unable to enroll in our Web Bootcamp because of a full-time or part-time employment position you don’t want to leave behind, or childcare duties you can’t compromise on? Web Flex is the program for you. The first cohort begins on July 19th. More Flexibility Without Compromising on Quality Whether you choose Web Bootcamp or Web Flex, you can be sure that you’re still getting the personalized and outcomes-obsessed learning experience that Lighthouse Labs is known for. Train to become a full-stack developer through learning Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, and more. Web Flex contains the same great mentorship, group collaboration experiences, Career Services, and robust education content. You’ll learn over our immersive remote learning platform flexible live-stream lectures, with the freedom to choose between two different lecture schedules. If you miss a lecture due to life getting in the way, you’ll have the option to catch up with pre-recorded content. Increasing Accessibility with the Flex Scholarship To do even more to increase the accessibility of our digital skills training, we’re also introducing the Flex Scholarship. Through this fund, selected eligible students will be provided with $3,500 to be allocated towards the Web Flex Development Program. With this scholarship, we’re looking especially to help those who have worked in industries that are unstable or insecure, the unemployed and underemployed, and those with significant family/childcare obligations. To apply for the scholarship, we require a letter that states why a career change is important to you, and what your current career/family situation is like. This is submitted during the application process. Ready to start your journey to become a web developer with Web Flex? The first cohort begins on July 19th. Learn more about Web Flex here