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articles de Don Burks

What's Full-Stack Web Development?

Aug. 21 2019
Don Burks

Lighthouse Labs is one of the only full-stack bootcamp programs available in Canada. In this piece, instructor Don Burks discusses why full-stack is so important.

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Making the Struggle Part of Success

Jun. 12 2019
Don Burks

Instructor Don Burks discusses how we set students up for success with our mentorship-driven education model.

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The Value of Investing in Kindergarten to Grade 12 Teachers and Coding Education

Jul. 19 2018
Don Burks

One fundamental reason for teaching digital literacy is impact. Teachers from kindergarten up to grade 12 are advocates and evangelists for lifelong learning.

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Our Tech World: Understanding the Value of Technical Training

Jul. 03 2018
Don Burks

It is worth exploring how technology touches our lives as a vehicle for bringing about a deeper and more thorough understanding of the value of technical training, digital literacy, and fluency with the types of problem-solving skills that are needed to work with computers.

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Blockchain Outside of CryptoCurrency

May. 30 2018
Don Burks

Most references to blockchain are about Bitcoin, but there are many implementations of blockchain which are helping to bring it into the mainstream.

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Digital Literacy

May. 31 2017
Don Burks

Given the pervasive level of technology in our everyday lives, it is more important than ever before that we pay attention to our digital literacy.

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Day In The Life Of A Full-Stack Developer

Nov. 17 2016
Don Burks

We talk about "becoming a Developer", but what does that actually mean? We give you insight into what a day looks like for the average software developer.

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JavaScript, a Step Forward

Sep. 16 2016
Don Burks

Recently, we made the announcement that we're taking a step forward with our curriculum by introducing a stronger focus on JavaScript. Our Head Instructor Don Burks explores why and how we've approached introducing more JavaScript to our students!

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So You Want To Take A Bootcamp?

Apr. 29 2016
Don Burks

Considering a coding bootcamp as your next step towards a new career? Our Head Instructor Don Burks gives us a run down of the bootcamp experience, and how we approach coding education at Lighthouse Labs.

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Codecreate is More Than Just an Hour of Code

Dec. 17 2015
Don Burks

We are very, very pleased to have been a part of Codecreate, BC's largest youth coding event for Hour of Code. Resident Code Master Don Burks gives us a recap on why we love empowering kids to take the reigns to learn how code runs our lives.

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Hot Chicken and Cool Code

Nov. 23 2015
Don Burks

Don Burks had the pleasure of attending the Nodevember conference conference in Nashville, Tennessee! Here’s his highlight reel, from favourite speakers to lots of love for bootcamps.

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Full-time vs. Part-time: Which Program is for Me?

Sep. 30 2015
Don Burks

Don Burks is a former instructor at Lighthouse Labs and played a vital role in building our ever-evolving curriculum. He’s been coding since the dawn of time (well, since the launch of the Commodore 64), and is as passionate about teaching as he is technology. Don knows what it takes to succeed in the Lighthouse Labs Bootcamp and was kind enough to offer some advice for those weighing the pros and cons of our full-time and part-time programs.

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Code It Forward: A Hackathon For Genuine Social Good

Aug. 11 2015
Don Burks

On July 25-26th, a group of developers, designers, and ideators got together to do something special for the Vancouver community. Don Burks recaps our first-ever Code It Forward hackathon.

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The Quick-Start Guide To Setting Up A Hackathon

Jul. 19 2015
Don Burks

Our Head Instructor describes the 8 things your hackathon can't go without, as well as some insider tips for planning the event

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4 Must-Read Newsletters For Developers

Jul. 11 2015
Don Burks

In the world of development, staying current is key. If you want to be an asset to your company, or innovate on your own project, you need to be aware of emerging trends, current technologies, and thought leaders in our space.

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